Hills or Nutro dry dog food
Wet puppy food: all flavors
Puppy formula, dry
Goats milk for the puppies
Pee Pee Pads
Martingale Collars, leashes (no retractable)
Puppy Play Pens
Flea, tick, heartworm prevention
Treats: small, medium, large
Dog Beds, Blankets
Baby gates
Towels, new or used
Dry food: adult and kitten
Wet food : kitten only
Wee Wee pads
Soft baby blankets
Scratching post, cat tree
Kitty Litter: scoopable
Litter Scoop
Ferret Hammock
Cat bed
Treats, cat nip
Paper Towels
Clorox or any bleach
Blue Dawn Soap
Small blankets, towels
Large black trash bags
Latex gloves: medium and large
Lunch cooler: soft
Monetary Donations
Gift Cards: Pet Stores, Costco, Gas Station,Walmart
Office supplies (printer paper, post-it notes, ink/toner/drum)