Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 14   |  Dogs: 80

  Search Successes
Scottish Terrier
This brave and jaunty little aristocrat is loved, respected, and adored for all his idiosyncrasies.
Height: 10 inches at shoulder
Weight: 18 to 22 pounds
Coat: hard, wiry topcoat
Life span: 11 to 13 years
Breed Group: Terriers
An independent and stubborn character, the Scottish Terrier is also quite sensitive to praise and blame. Independent, intelligent, and hilarious in his dignified seriousness, he's a true terrier, which makes him an excellent watchdog. Thanks to those incredibly short legs, he's not going to train for a marathon with you--heck, he won't even go jogging with you--but he is a perfect walking companion, especially if you appreciate his vocal approach to bicycles and squirrels. Despite his size, he doesn't yap: he has a powerful bark that can scare the wits out of the unsuspecting burglar or delivery person. He totally rocks at agility and earthdog trials (those vermin have got to go). You'll enjoy a rodent-free yard with him around, but watch out for the holes he's dug.
Scottish Terrier profile on DogTime.com
General Characteristics
Amount of shedding
Drooling potential
Ease of training
Heat tolerance
Need for exercise
Affectionate with family
Energy level
Good for novice owners