Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 28   |  Dogs: 114

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Hi there, Just a little update on our wonderful spunky Kahlo (as in the Frida Kahlo kind) previously known as Finland. She is a handful and potty training has definitely been a challenge. But we couldn't imagine our home being complete without her. She has the full run of the backyard and of course all of our hearts. We have started crate training her and she loves just hanging out there playing with her many toys, lambchop being her favorite. She's wonderful in the car and loves to go to the cafe for breakfast. Bath time isn't scary any more due to the fact she loves to roll around in less-than wonderful smelling we don't even know what. Thank you so much for adding the last piece to our family puzzle. She fits perfectly! P.S. to the foster mom, your baby is doing just fine!