Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue
10405 Southern Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411
(561) 795-9999
Needs Foster   |  Cats: 28   |  Dogs: 122

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Hello Kathy, Thank you for writing. Elle is doing fine and we have bonded very well, like we've been together since the beginning! She is so good, I couldn't have asked for more of a Sweetie. We just returned from the beach. She likes to walk it but still isn't too sure of the water and the waves. I'm sure it's a whole new world to her so maybe someday she'll enjoy it. She has been meeting lots of new people and loves them all and has met a couple of dogs which didn't go too well but am trying to teach her to not be aggressive. They were both large dogs so maybe that was the problem. Again, thank you for everything and for checking in. Take Care, Lorraine